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Kicking Ass After 70

  • Writer's pictureLes Lyons

Before and After Health/Fitness Information – Les Lyons

Kicking Ass After 70 … Spirit – Mind – Body … Paying It Forward 

BEFORE: August, 2022 – The Old Les at 70

AFTER: January, 2024 – The “Kicking Ass After 70” Les


BODY Fitness Information

Weight: 238 lbs.

Weight: 183 lbs. – lost 55 lbs.

Waist/Shirt Size: 40 waist pants & size 2XL T-Shirts

Size 32 pants & size Large T-Shirts (sometimes medium)

BMI 31.4 (Classified as Obese … over 30.0)

BMI 24 (Classified as Healthy)

Body Fat: 32% (Unhealthy / Very Unhealthy)

Body Fat: 17.1% (down 14% … 29 lbs!) Athletic

Diagnosed as “Pre-Diabetic”

No longer pre-diabetic

“Dunlop” disease (belly done lopped over my belt!) with love handles, & the start of “man-boobs” – lots of visceral fat

No belly, no love handles, no man-boobs, visceral fat is greatly decreased … almost gone

High Blood Pressure – on meds for 8+ years

BP has come down; Meds cut by 75%

Sleep apnea with associated loud snoring

Gone; no snoring and no more sleep apnea!

Significant trouble walking – knees & back; jogging was out of the question. Was diagnosed with arthritis in both knees; MRI showed Spinal Stenosis in my lower back. I had to hobble up and down stairs, holding onto the rail for support. I thought I might have to start using a cane while walking. Doctors said: “old age; nothing we can do other than give you pain meds to help”

Knee & back problems gone

Not only am I running, but I’m doing modified HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training) & brief (30 second) wind sprints twice weekly (Four 30-sec. sprints during a 20-minute treadmill walk/jog/run). I haven’t done that since I was in my 30’s!

NO issues with knees! Pain & limitations GONE.

NO issues with my lower back as long as I do the 3 daily stretching exercises in Robin McKenzie’s book

Little to no exercise

Weekly Strength Training with Professional Trainer – Ener Beltran – BIG difference; also HIIT 2X/wk

Extremely dry skin … to the point in the past where I would scratch my legs until they bled

Dry skin almost gone; about 90% better … I believe due to the change in my diet and increased fats

Constant hunger; always nibbling; addicted to sugar & carbs, especially ice cream and Cheez-Its!

Proper Human Diet way of eating; no carbs; NO cravings; no snacking; totally satisfied; Regular fasting

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