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  • Writer's pictureLes Lyons

COVID & Vaccination: Base Spike Protein Detoxification Protocol - National Library of Medicine (11/23)

Clinical Approach to Post-acute Sequelae After COVID-19 Infection and Vaccination (excerpted)

McCullough et al. recently published (2023) the first rationale for spike protein detoxification, called the McCullough protocol. The protocol to be composed of a natural triple-agent oral regimen of Nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin. This approach holds immense promise as a base of clinical care, upon which additional therapeutic agents are applied with the goal of aiding in the resolution of post-acute sequelae after SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination.

The full base spike detoxification protocol is as follows:

Bromelain 500 mg once a day, nattokinase 2,000 FU (100 mg) twice a day, and curcumin 500 mg twice a day. The regimen is to be followed for 3-12 months or more, depending on disease resolution progress. These are initial dosages and may be adjusted in accordance with the tolerability and severity of injury syndrome. Because doses are far below known limits of safety, dose escalation would be reasonable if there are residual symptoms after three months of therapy. If ANA (anti-nuclear antibodies) is positive and an autoimmune disease is suspected, prescribed hydroxychloroquine 200 mg twice a day should be added to the regimen. If pleurodynia or atypical chest pain is present, prescribed colchicine 0.6 mg once a day should be used in addition.

The three-drug regimen of nattokinase, bromelain, and curcumin was chosen due to their proven safety records, as well as their anti-inflammatory and anti-coagulant properties combined with their synergistic and potent effects in degrading and inhibiting spike protein.

Base Spike Protein Detoxification Protocol – Daily Regimen

Agent:                         Amount                    Frequency

Bromelain                   500 mg                     Daily – WITHOUT FOOD

Nattokinase                2,000 FU (100 mg)   Twice a Day – WITHOUT FOOD

Curcumin (Turmeric)  500 mg                     Twice a Day (nano, liposomal, or with piperine additive suggested; improves the therapeutic effect of curcumin)

The regimen is to be followed for 3-12 months or more, depending on disease resolution progress.

Conclusions: We found abundant evidence that SARS-CoV-2 spike protein may cause biological damage in the cardiovascular, hematological, neurological, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and immunological systems. Mechanistically, spike protein has been shown to cause dysfunction in many cell types by causing metabolic deteriorations, leading to cell death. Stabilized prefusion (vaccine-derived) spike protein may possess similar harmful mechanisms as viral spike protein. Vaccine-derived and viral spike proteins have been found in humans for at least 6-15 months after vaccination or infection. More research is needed to further investigate the effect of spike protein in patients with post-acute sequelae after COVID-19 and COVID-19 vaccination. Meanwhile, the current data points to a strong signal to urgently develop spike protein detoxification protocols.

Ref.: Dr. Peter McCullough, MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee on March 10, 2021

Dr. McCullough is an internist and cardiologist and professor of medicine at Texas A&M University School of Medicine, on the Baylor Dallas campus. He is the editor of two major journals, and in his field, which deals with the heart & kidneys, he is the most published person in the world, in history, in his field.

Phone: 972-369-8220 to schedule an appt. w/Dr. McCullough

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