Guaranteed to “wet your whistle” before riding the trail each morning!
I love this coffee! I searched the internet and tried different versions, but there was always something missing. I experimented in my kitchen with different ingredients / quantities of each to arrive at this recipe.
I’m not promoting this recipe or making any claims about it, other than I like it! (N=1).
YOU need to determine for yourself if it works for you. Yes, it has a raw egg, and yes, it’s got MCT oil (you could substitute coconut oil) ... any of these choices / ingredients are of course left up to each individual.

Combine all ingredients except the coffee into your stick blender container, then make your coffee in one big batch or two smaller batches and pour into your container. Blend for 20 seconds or so. Pour into your favorite cup, and enjoy!
2 10 oz. cups brewed coffee (I brew two 10 oz. cups in my Keurig & pour into large stick blender container (I use a 28 oz. container)
Salt – large pinch (I love the salty taste that a large pinch gives ... about 1/4 tsp)
2 tbsp butter or ghee (grass-fed)
1 Whole Raw Egg, minus the shell (makes it SO nice, yummy & frothy!) ... you decide on the raw part; I'm OK with it, but certainly others may not be
2 tbsp MCT oil (if you are a first-timer using the oil, start w/1 tsp & increase over a week or two up to 2 tbsp or what you are comfortable with) See MCT information below.
Electrolytes – your choice; I happen to use Keto Chow Electrolyte Drops - 1 dropper
Lugol’s Iodine 2% 1 dropper ~ 20 drops (N=1 ... you determine brand & amount)
1 tsp Inulin (prebiotic) (this could help feed the good bacteria in your gut biome; note: this is not researched/trialed to my knowledge)
NOTE: No one is sponsoring this recipe / posting / products. It’s just me, and just my opinion. Use at your own risk … meaning some people might object to a raw egg; others might not want MCT Oil and instead substitute coconut oil. This is just me here, and what I’ve found after experimenting with a number of recipes. You can use any, all, or none of these ingredients! This is just an experiment I did for myself … you decide . You be you!
Possible Benefits I’ve Come Across (unverified):
Fires up ketogenic weight loss & improves metabolism w/the linoleic acid from grass-fed butter
Boosts energy levels by combining effects of caffeine & high-powered fats
Improves bone health & cardiovascular system with its relatively higher omega-3 fatty acids concentration
May improve mental focus & keeps you alert for hours with quick-acting MCT
May reduce the risk of premature death & developing several types of diseases
Bulletproof Coffee may help with intermittent fasting, since it helps lower cravings.
Why MCT Oil? (Medium Chain Triglycerides)
Since they are shorter than Long Chain Triglycerides (LCTs), they are more easily digested. They bypass the digestive tract entirely, going straight to our liver, where they are turned into ketones. As a result, they can be used for energy faster than other types of fat. C8 & C10 are the most beneficial MCT oils.
Macronutrients for this whole batch: (not lab verified)
Energy: 535 cal
Protein: 6.6 g
Fats: 55 g
Carbs: 2.7 g
Absolutely true!