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Kicking Ass After 70

Mind Mavericks: Keeping the Brain in Shape for the Rollercoaster 60s and 70s


Welcome to the thrilling ride of aging! As the years add up, we look at our bodies and shake our heads. We nip, tuck, cut, inflate, excise, burn, chop, bypass, Botox, and do all kinds of things to our bods to try to fool ourselves and others that we are young again and not aging. Just Google pictures of movie stars over 60 and check it out. And do ANY of them look totally natural, like that is how they really aged? Only the ones that have actually NOT done any of those things I just mentioned look “normal.”

But what we sometimes overlook is keeping our minds in top-notch condition becomes as crucial as remembering where you put your car keys. In this reference, we'll explore the wild world of mental exercise for the cool cats cruising through their 60s and 70s.

Unleashing the Inner Brain Ninja

So, you've hit the big 6-0 or 7-0, and your brain is giving you a friendly reminder that it's been around the block a few times. Fear not! We're here to talk about the ultimate quest: keeping your cognitive health in check and your neurons doing the cha-cha. How to keep your brain in shape.

The Aging Brain Circus

Picture your brain as a circus tent – full of surprises, occasional chaos, and maybe a few clowns. Cognitive aging is like sending your memory to clown school; it gets a bit goofy, but I’m going to try to help you ensure it stays the headliner.

The Components of Mental Gymnastics

1. Continuous Learning: The Brain's Extreme Makeover

Ever tried to teach an old dog new tricks? Well, your brain isn't a dog, but it loves learning just as much! Pick up a new hobby, learn to juggle (literally or metaphorically), or finally figure out how to use that instant pot you got for your birthday. [or maybe how to use all those apps on your phone!]

2. Social Interaction: Bingo, Bridge, and the Art of Banter

Get out there and mingle! Join clubs, attend community events, or organize a bingo night that's more competitive than a family Monopoly game. Socializing isn't just for the young; it's for those who want to reminisce about the good ol' days and still remember where they put their glasses. I play at least 50 hands a week in the game of Bridge … I have no partners, so I play a bot on Bridge Base Online at And it regularly kicks my butt when I forget some of the cards that have been played. It’s a blast, and it definitely exercises my mind!

3. Physical Exercise: Dance Like No One's Watching (Except Maybe the Cat)

Put on your favorite tunes and dance like nobody's watching – or, in reality, dance like your pet is giving you the judgmental side-eye. Physical exercise isn't just for the young and spry; it's for those who want their brains to stay as nimble as their two-left-foot dance moves. Special note: if you use a walker, you might want to have that as your dance partner!

4. Mental Challenges: Puzzles, Games, and Brain Teasers, Oh My!

Challenge accepted! Crosswords, puzzles, and strategy games are your brain's way of saying, "I've still got it!" Keep those neurons doing the limbo, bending backward to tackle mental challenges that would make a yoga instructor proud.

Lifestyle Factors: Because Life's Too Short for Bland Diets

1. Healthy Diet: More Than Just a Salad on the Side

Forget the bland salads – your brain wants a feast! Opt for a diet rich in brain-boosting nutrients like meat! It's like giving your brain a VIP pass to the coolest concert in town … but more on that later, under the “Body” category. 

2. Adequate Sleep: Where Dreams and Memory Foam Collide

Create a sleep sanctuary – a place where dreams and memory foam collide. A good night's sleep is your brain's way of hitting the reset button, ensuring you wake up ready to conquer the day (or at least find those elusive car keys). My Fitbit and my WHOOP strap are worse than hall monitors in grade school! They watch my every move (or snore) and track not only how LONG I slept, but how long it took me to get to sleep, how many times I woke up (yes, as you get older, nature calls more frequently!), how long was my light sleep, Deep (SWS) sleep, REM sleep, Restoration (Heart Rate below resting), and even my breaths/minute and sleep efficiency! WOW! I never knew sleep could be so complicated. BUT … as a result, I’m now very conscious of when I go to bed and what I do (or don’t do) to help me sleep quicker, longer, and better. I’ve changed my sleep (and my health!) just by paying attention to my sleep.

3. Stress Management: Yoga for the Soul

Stress? Ain't nobody got time for that! Embrace mindfulness, meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises. It's like giving your brain a spa day – relaxation, rejuvenation, and maybe a facial mask if you're feeling extra fancy. Now, I’m going to share a secret I discovered about reducing my stress! Quite a bit of stress is caused by … wait for it … people you interact with! What a shocker! (I know, not really) BUT – here’s a tip: start filtering out people in your life that are “subtractive” and not “additive” to your life and your soul. No, you can’t get rid of your mother or your in-laws, but you can get out of some of your obligatory get-togethers that you do on a regular basis that serve no useful purpose for you. When you are getting ready to see someone, and that little voice cries: “do we HAVE to???” you should pause and think, “is this a moment where I should pause and think, ‘does this person/group add to, or take away from, my bliss?’” I’ll leave the rest up to you. But little kids that play in the sandbox quickly leave the sandbox when kids with a bad attitude come in to play. They don’t put up with the CR#P, so why should you? Yes, I KNOW there are some stressors (people) you just can’t avoid. 

Tech-Savvy Brain Training: Because Flip Phones Are So Last Decade

Embrace the tech revolution! There are apps and programs designed to turn your brain into a mental ninja. It's like joining a virtual brain gym – interactive exercises that make Sudoku look like child's play. Examples: don’t play Solitaire (or Hearts) – that is a mindless game; instead play FreeCell (you can find it). Crossword puzzles (yep – an app) are good, as is Sudoku. And here’s a spoiler alert: Backgammon is the easiest game in the world to play poorly, and one of the hardest to play well! So get a physical board, or better yet, get the app. And since I’m from Texas, I couldn’t conclude this section without putting in a plug for my all-time favorite domino game: 42! It’s kinda like Cowboy Bridge … similar to Bridge, but easier, because there’s only 28 things (dominos) to keep track of instead of 52 cards in Bridge.


In the grand carnival of life, aging is just another thrilling ride. By incorporating a dash of continuous learning, a sprinkle of social interaction (WITH the right folks), a twist of physical exercise, and a dollop of mental challenges, you can ensure your brain remains the star attraction.

Remember, consult the right healthcare professionals before embarking on this brainy adventure. They might not have the secrets to eternal youth, but they may be able to guide you through the wild twists and turns of aging with grace, humor, and maybe a few strategically placed banana peels. Happy brain training!

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