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Kicking Ass After 70

  • Writer's pictureLes Lyons

WHAT I BELIEVE: Statements of Faith

A. The Authority of the Bible 

The sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments are the verbally inspired Word of God, they are without error in the original writings, and they are the complete and final revelation of God. (Matthew 5:18John 17:17II Timothy 3:16-17II Peter 1:19-21Revelation 22:18-19)

B. The Triunity of God

There is only one God, eternally existing in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Who are co-equal in their essential nature, attributes, and perfection; and each of Whom is to be honored and worshiped as God. (Genesis 1:1Deuteronomy 6:4Psalm 18:30-31147:5Matthew 28:19Mark 12:29Luke 3:22John 4:245:2310:3014:9Acts 5:3-4II Corinthians 13:14Hebrews 1:1-3)

C. The Person of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ is God the Son, the promised Messiah, conceived in the flesh by the Holy Spirit, born of a virgin, true God and true man, without sin, and the only mediator between God and Man. (Isaiah 7:149:6-7Matthew 1:18-25Mark 14:61-62John 1:1-314295:188:5810:30II Corinthians 5:21Philippians 2:5-11Colossians 2:9I Timothy 2:5Hebrews 1:2-92:14-15I John 5:20)

D. The Work of Jesus Christ

Jesus Christ, through His death on the cross, paid for all sin, completely satisfied the righteous wrath of God against sin, and provided redemption and forgiveness for all who believe. After His death, Jesus Christ arose bodily from the dead, was seen by many during a period of forty days, and then ascended into Heaven where He is seated at the right hand of God as our Advocate and High Priest, from which place He will some day return to establish His Kingdom on earth. (Isaiah 53:5-6Luke 24:36-43John 1:183:1620:25-28Acts 1:6-11Romans 3:21-26I Corinthians 15:3-820-23Galatians 3:13Colossians 1:13-14I Thessalonians 4:13-18Titus 2:13I Peter 1:18-192:24I John 2:1-2Revelation 20:6)

E. The Ministry of the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is that Person of the Triune Godhead who convicts men of sin, causes spiritual birth, indwells, seals, sanctifies, guides, equips, teaches, and fills the believer, thus enabling him to walk in obedience to God and His Word. (John 3:514:16-172615:26-2716:7-15Acts 1:85:3-4Romans 8:914I Corinthians 2:10-116:111912:4-13II Corinthians 3:18Galatians 5:16-1822-23Ephesians 1:13-144:305:18-21)

F. The Creation and Fall of Man

Man was created by God in His own image and is not the product of evolution; he fell into sin through personal disobedience to the revealed will of God; and as a result, all mankind is sinful in nature and practice, is unable to save himself, and faces eternal separation from God. (Genesis 1:26-282:718-243:1-249:6Matthew 19:4Mark 7:21-23John 8:42-44Romans 1:183:10235:1Ephesians 2:1-3)

G. The Salvation of Man

Eternal salvation from sin, death and hell is the free gift of God's grace, and is based solely upon man's personal faith and belief in Jesus Christ. He voluntarily died as a substitutionary sacrifice for our sins and arose bodily from the dead, thus guaranteeing our own resurrection to eternal life. This salvation is not received by, nor based on, any sacrament, merit, or good work on our part. This one who receives Christ's salvation is eternally secure. (John 1:11-133:165:2410:28-3014:6Acts 16:31Romans 3:23-265:86:2310:9-10Ephesians 2:8-10Titus 3:5Hebrews 7:24-25I Peter 1:18-19I John 5:11-13)

H. The Destiny of Man

At death, the redeemed pass immediately into the presence of Christ and there remain in joyful fellowship until their bodily resurrection unto life. The unsaved at death descend immediately into Hades where they are kept under punishment until their bodily resurrection resulting in damnation. (Daniel 12:2Luke 16:22-2323:43II Corinthians 5:8Philippians 3:101121Revelation 20:11-15)

I. The Nature and Organization of the Church

All who have placed their faith in Christ are united together immediately by the Holy Spirit in one spiritual body, the church, of which Christ is the Head. In addition, the members of this one spiritual body are directed to associate themselves together in local churches. (Matthew 16:18Acts 2:46-47I Corinthians 12:13Ephesians 1:22-23Colossians 1:18Hebrews 10:25)These local independent churches have been given the needed authority and scriptural guidelines for administering that order, discipline, and worship which Christ, the sovereign head, had appointed. The biblically designated officers serving under Christ and over the church are pastors and deacons. (Acts 6:1-6I Corinthians 14:40Ephesians 4:11-12I Timothy 3:1-13Titus 1:5-9I Peter 5:1-5)

J. The Ordinances of the Church

Two ordinances have been committed to the local church: baptism and the Lord's supper. Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the triune God. This ordinance, being a command of Christ, is recognized as a prerequisite for membership in the local church. Likewise, the Lord's supper was instituted by Christ for commemoration of His atoning death. These two ordinances are to be observed until the return of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Matthew 28:16-20Luke 22:19-20Acts 2:4110:47-48I Corinthians 11:23-29)

K. Future Events

One of the coming great events in the fulfillment of prophecy concerning the church is the personal, bodily return of the Lord to remove from the earth His waiting church and to reward them according to their works. (John 14:2-3Romans 14:10-12I Corinthians 3:11-1515:51-53II Corinthians 5:10I Thessalonians 4:15-17Titus 2:11-13Revelation 3:10)Another event yet to come is the seven year period of tribulation during which the judgements of God will be poured out upon the unbelieving world. These judgements will climax with the return of Christ in glory to the earth. He will destroy His enemies and restore Israel to her land. (Daniel 9:2712:1Jeremiah 30:7Matthew 24:15-3125:31-46II Thessalonians 2:7-12Revelation 16:1-192119:1-21)Christ will then establish His thousand-year kingdom in which the saints will reign with Him over Israel and all the nations of the earth. (Deuteronomy 30:1-10Isaiah 11:1-1665:17-25Ezekiel 37:21-28Revelation 19:1120:1-6)At the close of the thousand year reign the unsaved dead will be raised and committed to eternal punishment and the saved will enter the eternal state of glory with God. (Mark 9:43-48I Corinthians 15:24-28II Thessalonians 1:9II Peter 3:10-13Revelation 20:11-1521:1-422:511)

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